amplify your story

brand videos

Get ready for new eyes, new engagement & new customers

Nothing dooms a business like blending in with the crowd.

These businesses are overlooked by customers. Scrolled past in social media feeds. And missed in Google searches – or on busy streets.

You may be selling an amazing product or service that has been perfected with years of practice or development.

But if your brand doesn’t give customers something to remember – or remember you by – then you may never escape the rut of poor sales. 

There is no easier way to communicate your message in an engaging, memorable and unique way than video.

And with a Knockout Production, your brand has never shined quite so bright.

Get ready for new customers to stop and take note of who you are and what you do.

Central Coast Surf Academy

Say goodbye slow, boring and cringe brand video that mope along at snails pace with irrelevant landscape shots for the sake of it. 

Let’s face it – the only people that are sitting down to watch these are… well… the people who made it.

Brand videos have one purpose – get your customers to remember who you are. Understand what you do. And find resonance with your purpose and direction.

Central Coast Surf Academy brings a dedicated and professional approach to Surf Lessons on the Central Coast of NSW. Lead by a former World Championship Competition surfer, they give customers the opportunity for a premium, professional service wrapped up in fun and excitement. 

The brand video is briefed to capture a sense of fun and professionalism whilst building confidence and trust among audiences – all delivered in an upbeat video that customers will actually be interested in watching. 

Here comes the wave – are you ready to turn and catch it?

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